I miss her. I love her

It was not so dark  that evening and it had been quite a long time I had been to a temple.
I washed my face, hands and legs as a norm in my house before going to a temple and strolled towards the temple right in front of the house.

In a dim light I saw her sitting all alone in the veranda of the temple.
My heart ached a bit seeing that. She had her eyes closed which I could see through her thick black framed spectacles which she had bought with great love an year back.

I asked her “What’s wrong? Why are you sitting here?”.
Unlike a person she had been for these many years, always ranting, caring, throwing tantrums like a baby at slightest uneasiness, talk gibberish while trying hard but hardly capable of expressing her grief , this time she was silent.
She nodded her head and said “Nothing. You go home”.

After a few days of this incident, I returned back from my work some day and accidentally happen to see her on the bed with her face wrenched, I knew something was bugging her.
I asked her “What’s wrong?. Unlike the person she was for these many years of her life, she said nothing this time too. She did not share her grief and it’s a little weird because she almost always shared her pain with me whenever I asked her whats wrong when i sensed her distress.

A week after these two incidents, she was hospitalized due to sepsis and multiple organ failure.
Shockingly she passed away in mere 3 days there after.

I miss her. I love her. She was and will be my best friend forever. She is still alive in my dreams.

Image courtesy: Google


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