Am I happy......?

       With a handful of experience, using a nano part of my huge brain and the feelings of slightly a selfish heart,  I am trying to define what happiness means for me in practical. Looking at this little boy at the end of the video saying "laughing is happiness" I'm impressed. Though the  paradigm of happiness shifts to a great level as we grow, better truth is that we can still be  happy as grown ups. Happiness is tried to be defined since times unknown and is something that has remained vague till now. Assuming it to be an indeterminate emotion, I believe in customising the word "HAPPINESS" to suit our lives.

      For all the people are different in this world, their definition for happiness is also different. Though I had read lot of scholarly articles which defined happiness as something that flows form within and not gained from the outside, I would wonder how was that possible and always seemed something unrealistic to me. That was because until then, for me happiness was just to get a new dress or have a new friend or a festival celebration and many other things which I would like to do.

      But in this short journey of life, within a short time I was opened up to the real meaning of happiness and discovered ways to achieve it by lot of trial and errors.

     And this is now, that I got to know that happiness is not something that follows from outside but from within the SELF. I believe it as a state of mind. It is not a situation itself where I'm put into. Directly or indirectly every act of us, every situation we are into is ultimately somehow connected to happiness. Thus happiness can not be necessarily an end result of something that we want  but lies in the present. Happiness is like an OS on which all the programs are running. I compare these programs as the situations in life.  Program might be anything but the OS remains the same, similarly situation might be anything but the state of mind should remain the same. Its our responsibility to create and build this happy state of mind to stay a happy  person.

       I do not deny the fact that the death of loved ones, loss of wealth or loss of a  great job might create deep sorrow and happiness seems a myth in such times. I am still a small creature in a small shell lying deep in an ocean of the world and  have not yet grown to a level to explain what happiness means at such stages of life. I am talking about our day in and day out of most of us. I mean it. Happiness is created by making a habit of being happy in spite of adverse conditions.When we practice to be happy, the radiance and life fills our souls and we will learn to stay happy without searching a reason to be happy.

      When most of the times I used to stay sad attaching a reason for that sadness, I being good fortuned to have many good,dear and close friends, one said me that it needs efforts behind creating  happiness. It was a puzzling line to me at initial stages and never took that sentence seriously. When I was compelled to stay happy and there was no other way out for me than being happy, I became the one. I have found out myself that until happiness becomes the state of our mind, it needs lot of efforts and continuous attention towards achieving it.

        When something or someone makes me unhappy I try to ignore it and if I cant, I try to stay away from it until I am prepared to face it. I define people in my heart. I always believe that I can find good, positive and  happy people around me, and I find them. Come on after all the world is so big and it doesn't take much efforts to surround yourself and your life with good people. :-)
      When we believe we are happy, we start becoming more happy and many things around us starts getting converted themselves into the sources of huge happiness that flow into the life.

      The practicality of the video I have linked here seems good only for the kids and growups cannot make people happy by doing so. Otherwise, it would rather present themselves to be stupid, because the appreciation for the innocence has not retained its importance in this highly modified artificial world of show off. So we need to discover our own ways to stay happy and keep others happy around us.

        "Happiness is a state of mind. It need not necessarily be an end result of something we want "

- Sindhu


  1. This is such a fantastic blog,

    Many people spend their life chasing it, here you have penned down in wonderful way to get a clear picture of it.

    I also love the quote you included
    "Happiness is a state of mind. It need not necessarily be an end result of something we want "..

    Very helpful article !!

    Thanks for sharing !! :)

  2. Beautifully explained..!!
    It is true that one has to responsible for their own happiness..Nice post..:)


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