Say that "NO" without hesitation

There were ten girls standing in a circular shape facing each other. We were ready to go inside the butterfly conservatory of Hamilton.

I asked her if she can keep my water bottle in her bag as I wasn't carrying a bag and I had to take pictures with my camera which would otherwise not be easy if I had to hold the bottle myself. The answer was "no. I already have stuff in my bag". Anybody could clearly see that her back back was really not too full to keep my bottle.

I was startled. Forget saying a NO in front of so many people, I can't even say NO when someone approaches me for help in personal. Sometimes I  compromise with my opinions to say yes to people.
After 25years of rise and fall have I understood how important it is to say NO to keep integrity of yourself, to mark boundaries between yourself and the world. Its important not to compromise with your inner voice just because you can't be rude saying a NO. Being humble with yourself is as important as being humble with others. Its your own responsibility to bifurcate what you want, what you don't want and say NO to what you don't want. Keep up your integrity with your inner opinions to maintain your emotional health.

When you say YES but within yourself you have a NO, you can succeed in keeping the heart of people for short term. But friend I tell you, too many YES from you where you should have given a clear NO will build up the guilt in you, makes you confused, makes you compromise with yourself, takes you to a whole new level of stupidity. By being out of integrity with yourself, it gets reflected into your personality to the outer world and the world start loosing faith in you. People can't predict whether you genuine or you are faking. This way people start loosing trust in you and you end up having bad relationships. May be because of this reason, you can generally see good people being more heart broken more depressed and often lonely without real friends/strong relationships whether it be personal life or a professional.

My parents never taught me how to say no. I was unlucky enough to not even get to learn it from any of my friends I grew with.

Dear Parents, teach your child how to say no when you feel its a unhealthy move for your child. This might save him big from hopping around as a confused adult, leading nowhere and end up tired doing unnecessary things for people around and fucking up his mental peace 

Please inbox me at if you have doubts in the content, happy to help ;-).

( Don't wonder if any of your friend laughs at you when you say that it is hard for you to say NO when you mean it, because the tendency to say NO when they really mean it comes as a imbibed nature in some people but for some people, it needs continuous practice )

image courtesy: Google
iamge courtesy : Google;


  1. Well... Say that No...But not with the word No

    May be u should write the next blog on...

    Polite ways of saying No that I have experienced

    1. Tht you need to teach me :D

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very true ... Nicely written... Very important to learn the art of saying NO with offending or hurting others...

  3. Very true ... Nicely written... Very important to learn the art of saying NO with offending or hurting others...


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