book review: A spot of bother

I loved Mark Haddon's writing style when i read his " the curious incident of a dog in the night time". That was the sole reason i picked up a second book from the pile of books in one of an old used book store at the busy streets of college street, Bengaluru.

Its a classic family drama. An interesting point to note here is Mark weaves the story with grace. Sadness with comedy and fun. That is what i liked about the book. Everyone in the family is troubled like how George is making a big deal out of an eczema spot, his daughter marrying the same man for the second time, his son being a gay and yet successfully getting his hands on making his life better, his wife having an affair.. It goes on. the drama goes on. Mark's sense of humor is truly appreciable.

He shows how people can fuck up the things but that doesn't make them bad people becuase they have their share of goodness within them.

I was expecting similarity between his writing in the curious incident and this one but it let me down. In a good way off course. This book doesn't feel like the same author at all, Mark tried to write differently and oddly he succeeds. There's no mention of science nor scientific words. Its completely a package of thick story, emotions and a roller coaster.

One thing that i have observed in the western society is the concept of infidelity. Human life is far bigger and complex than what it looks like. For a great deal to set it up good, a simple idea to marry one person and stay loyal. WHen you stay loyal, you are ptting one part of brain to rest so that you free up your mental space to do other things in life. Having a partner is a big deal of life and takes up alot of mental space. Putting it to rest by having one partner is upmost the simplest and sane way to keep the life at good check. When you cheat, you are filling in all kind of negative thoughts in yor mind. what yo gain by cheating might seem very temping bt what yo loose is mch more worse adn has bigger negative impact. also, staying lotyal to a person hyo create a bond with them, yo work on the betterment of this bonding and you reap its benifits as the time goes.

Well back to the book, somewhere half way through i started getting those authentic mark haddon writing feelings when he explains the dilemma faced by Tony about this love life and his family. I could see that style,the style he wrote "the curious inciedent" with and got excited. Its amusing to see how Mark was successfuly able to stretch the story to 500 pages but not a single point did i feel that the story ran slow or ran bored. BUt honestly i would not prefer picking up family drama books again especually when there are more than 300 pages. If you take out the part of me not liking the family drama, the book is good. There is no great deal of wisdom or philosophy. There is struggle, sorrow, affairs, anger, relationships and everything interconnecting them. 


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