There are no whys

5 whys concept doesnot apply to the situations in life. You might end up not getting that job even after trying your ass off, you might not end up with the guy who was once everything to you. Your parents might never understand you. no matter how much you explain. there are certain situations which are out of our hands and out of our control. All we can do it the best to get what we want and if you still lose something , god will always do things in your life which will eventually answer all your questions. Stuck in thinking why is this happening only to me? I never did anything wrong to someone and why am I being tested like this are the questions which creates dumpster in your head and keeps piling up the frustrations. stop thinking whys. Whys wont have answers. instead, reflect upon the life and see that how you lost things once you held the most have been replaced with much beautiful things today. what you yearned for and lost in the past has infact been a wonderful stroke of luck and you have ended up with something better. There is no double thinking in this.its the truth. God always has the best plans. Instead of whys and brooding over the loss, you believe that something better in on its way and see how relaxed it feels.


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