
love is knowing that you are open. So open that u feel naked in front of her even with clothes on. So deep that you snatch from her what you want because without her love you feel lifeless. Love is to give her so much happiness that she struggles to handle. Love is not easy. Love doesn't exist. It is built. It is built on daily basis. You fight for her to get what you want Because without it you know that you can't reach ur limits to love her. Love is accepting her imperfection and forget all ur anger on her when she smiles. Love is hard. Very hard. Because at the end love is what you get as much as you give. And it hurts to know you can't give more but you so much want to.. Love is surviving through that hurt and still accepting her whole heartedly. Love has no shame and no blame. It just a strong feeling nobody can name. Love is hard. Very hard. And if its easy then that love never reached its depth that it suppose to.. .

If you want go and get her. Don't fucking take things granted. You can gain job money and all riches but love.. you can't. U can't buy it or create it for urself on ur own. If you are hurting her fucking go and make double of love! That's how you keep her.! And sadly that's what people never fucking realise.


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