Person in your favourite song...!!

The girl said :    

"  Its a different world to stay in pain of losing someone. It feels so beautiful to stay there. It really does...
That's why we find all those heart breaking song with a sad music becoming famous and one or few of those songs lingering in my mind making me remember things I miss to death. It feels like every time I think of him, each string attached to the outer world tears down.Every word I remember talking to him, feels fresh and alive as if he spoke to me right few minutes ago. And every next time I feel that the pain of missing him is good, it becomes more harder for me to come out to reality and feels more like staying there forever.

         That pain I feel from each nerve of my body really kills me. It feels like something is pricking me all over my body. And no matter how much ever you try to inspire me from outside, I know it am not listening all that. That's because I am not in your world. That's because I have been taken to the second world and left alone. I am stuck deep inside a dark world of pain, where my dreams are broken, my memories are shattered, my belief is shaken, my soul is ripped by the emptiness created when he left me all alone whom I took into my blood and soul. I know its not very easy to come back home. I know it takes huge courage to believe that its not good to stay in the world of pain and lost.
I know it takes hard feelings to separate him from the song that pushes me more into the pain making me believe that its giving me peace..I know its not easy to forget that killing pain and loneliness which comes like a storm breaking me from being a huge mountain to ashes....."

And later after long time she continues ..

"For all those who believe..


"The person in my favourite song was not what I believed he was. He is the person, what he really is."

                                         "BELIEF and WILL will change the life "

Now the girl asking me "Sindhu akka why are you reading this crap.?".

- Sindhu

courtesy: google images


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